Course curriculum

    1. Syllabus

    2. Conversation: Establishing Language Parameters

    3. Introduction: "Does Medicine Have Common Goals: Ethics Statements" article by C Lisanti and S Wolfgramm

    1. "Why Bioethics Matter" video by R Klitzman

    2. Conscientious Refusals to Refer: Findings from a National Physician Survey" article by M Combs et al

    3. "Conscientious Objection and Clinical Judgement: The Right to Refuse to Harm" article by T Saad

    4. Module 2 Assessment: Quiz

    1. "Consumer Medicine's Origins and Harms" article by C Lisanti and S Lisanti

    2. "Pregnancy Centers: A Clear Purpose of Medicine with Coherent Ethics" article by C Lisanti and S Christiansen

    3. "Advice to the Profession: Professional Obligations and Human Rights" document by the CPSO

    4. Module 3 Assessment: Reflection Piece

    1. "The Ethics of Referral" CPL 2020 Conference Video by Q Genuis

    2. "On Saying 'No': The Ethics of Conscientious Objection in Health Care" talk by E Goligher

    3. "A Genealogy of Autonomy: Freedom, Paternalism, and the Future of the Doctor-Patient Relationship" article Q Genuis

    4. MAiD Referrals by Province/Territory

    5. Module 4 Assessment: Reflection Piece

    1. Further Reading: Recommended Books, Articles & Resources

    2. Ethics 102: Referrals Bibliography

    1. Ethics 102: Referrals Course Survey

About this course

  • $5.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content