Course curriculum

    1. Syllabus

    2. Conversation: Establishing Language Parameters

    3. What is the Situation in Canada?: "Euthanasia in Canada: A Cautionary Tale" article by Leiva et al (p 17 / PDF p 3)

    1. Finding Common Ground: 3 Scenarios

    2. Finding Common Ground: Scenario 1: Autonomy

    3. Finding Common Ground: Scenario 2: Suffering

    4. Finding Common Ground: Scenario 3: Policy

    1. "First, Do No Harm" article by M Komrad

    2. "MAiD and Mental Health" 2021 Conference Video by J Maher

    3. "A National Survey of Canadian Psychiatrists’ Attitudes toward Medical Assistance in Death" article by Rousseau et al

    4. "Why psychiatrists should oppose euthanasia for their patients" video by M Komrad

    5. Module 3 Assessment: Reflection Piece

    1. "Humanizing Healthcare: Patient Perspectives" 2021 Conference Video by D Shannon

    2. "Disability, Constructed Vulnerability, and Socially Conscious Palliative Care" article by CJ Gill

    3. "Failing People with Disabilities " report by Advisors to the Vulnerable Persons Standard

    4. "Medical Assistance in Dying: Challenges of Monitoring the Canadian Program" article by J Kotalik

    5. Module 4 Assessment: Reflection Piece

    1. "Talking About Assisted Suicide with Clarity and Compassion" CPL 2019 conference video by S Gray Connors

    2. "How to Change Hearts and Minds on Assisted Suicide" CPL 2018 conference video by J Van Maren and B Alleyne

    3. Module 5 Assessment: Reflection Piece

    1. Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide 101 Bibliography

    2. Continue to Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide 102

About this course

  • $5.00
  • 22 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content